Naming rules in AEM
By uploading an asset or create a page, you should follow simple naming conventions.
Please adhere to the following best practices to help ensure consistency and readability:
Please follow these rules:
- Keep names short (1-4 relevant keywords) but informative (you don't need "ebm‑papst" in a photo of a ebm‑papst product)
- Do not use a date in the file name. Dates are part of the image property in AEM
- Use only lowercase letters *
- The names must not contain * / : [ \\ ] | # % { } ? @ $ % ^ &
or any special characters like ä ö ü ß. - Separate keywords with hyphens (-)
- Use numbers sparingly
- Avoid underscores
- Do not use spaces
- Always add the correct file extension at the end of the file (.jpg, .png, .svg, .pdf, .zip, .doc, .xls, ... )
- NEVER use any CAPITAL LETTERS for file extensions // ex. xxxxx.PDF (wrong) --> ex. xxxx.pdf (correct)
*) Capital letters should only be used to distinguish a language version.
Example: datasheet-product-xyz500-DE (for german) or datasheet-product-xyz500-EN (for English)
Example: view-of-warehouse.jpg