Create or synchronize a live copy (from/with the EN master)

Create or synchronize a live copy (from/with the EN master)

⚠️Only use these function if your country is listed below.

Countries with English live copies:

  • Germany
  • USA
  • United Kingdom
  • Australia and new Zealand
  • Singapore
  • India
  • South Africa

Simply put, AEM live copies are copies of the EN global master website:

The copies inherit content from the master. This decreases the amount of work for authors.

For new pages
Creating a Live Copy of a Page

If a new EN master page has been created by the global website team, you can create a live copy of the page if you want it on your local website too.

To create a live copy:

1: Go to the corresponding "Master English" page e. g.

2: activate the page (= blue hook) 

3. Click on "Create" + "Live Copy" and choose your folder in your structure (where the new page should be added)

4. Specify the destination path of the live copy (open the parent folder/page of the live copy) and then click or tap Next.


  • Title for the page.
  • Name, that is used in the URL.

5. Use the Exclude sub pages checkbox:

Selected: create a live copy of the selected page only (shallow live copy)

Not Selected: create a live copy that includes all descendants of the selected page (deep live copy)

6. Select “Standard Rollout config” in the Rollout Configs

7. Click or tap Create. A confirmation message will be shown, from here you can select either Open or Done

8. Publish the page

For updates on existing pages
Synchronize a page with the master

If a new EN master page has been updated by the global website team.

Recommendation: Compare your page with the corresponding "Master English" page before you update your page.

Compare a page with older versions or the master

Synchronizing your live copy with the master

Synchronize a live copy to pull changes from the master to your livecopy. With this function you synchronize a live copy page with its global EN master page. Synchronizing keeps your local modifications (content which inheritance is broken).

  1. In the Sites console, select the live copy page
  2. Open the properties.
  3. Open the Live Copy tab.
  4. Click or tap Synchronize.

Confirmation will be requested, use Sync to proceed.