

The Linklist Component allows to easily create a list of links and is the preferred way to have them played and styles in a consistent way. When to use Linklist Component and when to use buttons? Linklist Component will be used from 5 links or more.


  • Please avoid creating links using the Rich Text Component.
  • Maximum number of characters (per link) with Linklist Component:
    If possible single line from breakpoint MD (768px).

There are 4 types of links that can be created:

  • Internal links: Select the target page inside the AEM
  • External links: Enter the complete URL of the website
  • Download links: Select the Asset inside the AEM
  • Email links: Enter the email address

Demonstration (see below)

Linklist component on background color gray.

Internal links

Important! For internal links, you should manually select the path to that Product page from AEM (by clicking the icon next to the field "Link Goal"). This ensures that even if the page's link changes later, your Linklist will still work. It's also very important to do this on Language Master pages that can be rolled out to Live Copies, as this ensures that the URL structure will update correctly for each country.

How to build a Link List

Link List Component: How to built a link list
Link List Component: How to built a link list

The Link List component must be placed into a 4, 6 or 8-col columns. In the edit mode, drag and drop the Link List component from the Components list.

Doubleclick on the Link List or choose the wrench tool at the component to get a setup modal for the Link List and click on "Add" and select the type of link you want to add

❶ You can choose between:

  • Internal page (an internal page on this site)
  • Internal download (an internal download on this site)
  • External page (an external page - for example from another site)
  • External email (simply enter an e-mail address)

❷ Fill the text of the Link in the fields

❸ Fill the URL (for external page) or link (for "Internal Download", "Internal download", "External email") in the fields. 
Note: An URL MUST beginn with "http://" or "https://".

❹  If you wish you can add more links by clicking on "Add" and repeat steps ❶  and ❸.

Note: The corresponding symbols/icons as well as (for downloads) the type and size of the file will be added automatically.