

The Richtext component offers a rich text editor that allows for easy text editing in a simplified in-line editor. The edit dialog features inline editing with limited options. Using the design dialog, text formatting options such as headings, special characters, and paragraph styles can be configured.

Keeping consistency and sticking to logical hierarchies ensures that elements in the UI are clear and easily recognizable when scanning the page. Text sizes, styles, and layouts were selected to balance content and UI to foster familiarity.


The Richtext component should always be used in a Column Control nesting with a maximum width of 8 columns.

6:6 setting in Column Control to structure text shouldn't be considered, when no image is used, except an (un-) ordered list exceeds 5 list items.

Text alignment


Align Text left

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.


Align Text center

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.

Demonstration (see below)

RichText on colored Background


Align Text Left

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. This text is bold at vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. This text is italic stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. This text is underlined lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. 

  • This line and the lines below are part of an unordered list
  • Another line
  • And one more line


  1. This line and the lines below are part of an ordered list
  2. Another line
  3. And one more line

How to use the Richtext palette

How to format the text with the Richtext palette
How to format the text with the Richtext palette

How to format the text with the Richtext palette.
The text per default (like this one) is "Regular". There are several possibilities for formatting  (bold, italic, underline, ...)  a text. The text is formatted using the Richtext palette.

 ❶ Formating the text

  • Bold (Use <strong> to emphasize text.)
  • Italics (Use <em> to italicize text.)
  • Underlined (used to apply underlined formatting to selected text or underlined text entered after the cursor.)

❷  List (see examples below)

  • Unordered lists to group related items.
  • Use ordered lists to group items in a pre-determined order.
  • Remove/cancel a list
  • Indent a text

❸ Link

  • Path of the link or URL
  • Alternative text
  • Target "Same Tab" or "New Tab/Window"

Remove a link

Select the link to be removed and then click on ❹ .

How to open and configure the Richtext component  palette

How to open the "richtext-component" configuration
How to open the "richtext-component" configuration

Once the "Richtext component" has been placed on the page, you can configure the text. To do this, please click on the wrench icon (screenshot above). A dialog window will open.
The options in this window are explained below.

Description of the options of the "wysiwyg" richtext component

Text editing options in WYSIWYG mode
Text editing options in WYSIWYG mode

❶  Bold: Used to apply bold formatting to selected text or boldly format text entered after the cursor. Ctrl+b can be used as a keyboard shortcut.

Italic: Used to apply italicized formatting to selected text or italicize text entered after the cursor. Ctrl+i can be used as a keyboard shortcut.

Underline: Used to apply underlined formatting to selected text or underline text entered after the cursor. Ctrl+u can be used as a keyboard shortcut.

Formating the selected text to a list: As "list bulleted" or "list numbered" and "increase" or "decrease" the indentation (of the selected text).

Link: Use this option to convert the selected text into a hyperlink or modify an already defined link. This option is only active when text is already selected and opens a window with additional options for setting the link.

Enter the location:

    • Use the Open Selection Dialog to choose a path in AEM
    • If the link is not within AEM, enter the absolute URL (non-absolute paths are interpreted as relative to AEM)
  • Enter alternative descriptive text for the link
  • Select link behavior
    • Target
    • Same Tab
    • New Tab
    • Parent Frame
    • Top Frame

Tap or click the check mark to apply the link or the x to cancel.

Unlink: Use this option to remove a link already applied to the selected text. This option is only active when a link is already selected.

❼ Paragraph Format: Used to apply paragraph formatting to the selected text or to text inserted after the cursor. Selecting this options opens a dropdown from which the paragraph format is selected.

Text alignment: To align the text left or center