Upload and manage assets

Upload and manage assets

Asset overview

Where to find global assets:

Go to Start screen --> “Assets” --> “Files” --> “ebmpapst Assets”

Here you can find all the global assets. You can use the global assets for your pages.

Where to upload local assets:

Go to Start screen --> “Assets” --> “Files” --> “ebmpapst Assets” --> “Local Assets”

Here you can find your local asset folder.

Where to upload gated local assets:

Go to Start screen --> “Assets” --> “Files” --> “ebmpapst Assets” --> “Gated-content” --> “Local gated content”

Here you can upload content which will be gated. Gated content is not accessible for search engines.

Upload files

Upload assets


Drag and Drop:

To upload a (or multiple) file(s)/asset(s), select them on your desktop and drag on the user interface (web browser) to the destination folder. 

Browse: (See image)

1. Click on “Create”

2. Click on “Files”

3. Choose files

Image "Alt-text" and Caption

The Metadata entries in Basic Properties of an Asset can be used:

  • Title as the image caption
  • Description as image alt text

Note: When inserting an image in the content (with the "image" component)  the metadata can be changed individually - see below.

How to edit the metadata of an image.