Sub- or Content navigation


The sub navigation, also called secondary navigation or content navigation, is used in the content below the header section and is shown as tab-bar. Currently it only appears on product detail pages that aren't edited by authors but are created automatically out of a database.

The links function as referrers to anchors on the same page. Clicking or  tapping a link in the content navigation will cause the page to scroll as a whole to that anchor.
By scrolling down the page the top edge of the content navigation will stick to the main navigation as it reaches it (see images 2 and 3 below – note: sticky navigation currently not working on all devices).

On smaller viewports, the content navigation becomes swipe- or slideable with navigation buttons.

Screenshot of ebm-papst website main navigation and slightly scrolled up content behind that sticky navigation
1) The grey content navigation bar shown further down the page below the header product image
Screenshot of ebm-papst website main navigation with grey bar vertical attached at the main navigation and a white indicator triangle showing the selected anchor referrer ('Technical desription')
2) Content navigation attached to sticky main navigation now showing indicator triangle
Screenshot of ebm-papst website main navigation with grey bar vertical attached at the main navigation and a white indicator triangle showing the selected anchor referrer ('Drawing')
3) Now sticky content navigation still attached to sticky main navigation but swiped to another menu point (see triangle indicator)